By the end of this course children will be able to participate in their safety.

For 8 to 10 year olds.
This course is free.
It will take children 40 minutes to finish this course.

While this course is created in India, we have customised
elements of it for our audience in the Philippines.

A short video on the things we will learn in this course.
A fun puzzle for children to solve.
What are Private Body Parts? (Note for Parents: We do not teach names of Private Body Parts in this course.)
Exercise to identify Private Body Parts.
What are safe situations and unsafe situations?
Personal Safety Rule - A simple rule that can help children stay safe.
Some exercises to identify safe and unsafe situations.
A small exception to the Personal Safety Rule.
Some more exercises to identify safe and unsafe situations.
What to do in case your Personal Safety Rule is broken.
How to say no and tell a helpful adult.
Exercise to identify up to 5 helpful adults.
Recap of what we have learned in this course.
A farewell song.